Monday, June 7, 2010

6-6-10 The Last Thing I Remember by Andrew Klavan - Fiction

5 - I have to give this book a 5 because it's a standout in teen books right now. A very taut thriller, the first in a series from what I gather, that portrays a teen with high moral values, self control, and no swearing. Now, don't get me wrong, I love bloody and crass and sex in my fiction books, but once I was done with his book and reflecting what I would write I was astounded at what was missing in this book. Yes, there is violence, but even that is tempered because Charlie, a seventeen year old with a black belt in karate, takes to heart what his sensei has taught. Sensei Mike uses a quote from "Kung Fu" (gotta love it!) as his basis for teaching that ends with the phrase "all life is precious." Plus, Charlie keeps referring to a Winston Churchill quote from World War II to keep moving as he tries to figure out where the last year of his life went. One night Charlie goes to sleep in his bed and the next morning he wakes up strapped to a chair in a torture room with no idea how he got there. After he escapes he discovers a year has gone by since the last day he remembers and he is now on the run from a group he doesn't know and the authorities as well. I'm going to check out the second book because I can't believe that Klavan can keep the momentum of this book without reverting to more adult themes.

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