Saturday, December 29, 2007

12-24-07 Lord Foul's Bane by Stephen R. Donaldson - Fiction

3 - Thomas Covenant is, by far, the most unlikable character I have ever some across. Mind you, he's not badly written, he's written as unlikable. He's a self-absorbed, bitter, and angry man. But....this story couldn't work if he were written any other way. He is a leper (really, not figuratively) who is sucked into another world where is white gold wedding band is a thing of power. He is seen by the people of the Land as wither their savior or their doom. Throughout his long journey, he denies the reality of his situation and demonstrates his ignorance of the Land repeatedly and with disastrous results. The book was good, though I didn't enjoy it as much as others who recommended it, but I'm not rushing to read the next in the series.


  1. I agree that the first book of the first trilogy is a dark & sometimes upsetting read. But it introduces us to the wonderful land. Anybody who was managed to finish Lord Foul's Bane deserves to see the richness of the land and the wonderful characters that get introduced in the later novels.
    Note for the unwary: a third series is being written. The first two of the four have been published. The next one is due in 3 years time and the last one in 6 years time. I recommened reading the first two trilogys and forget about the new series until 2013

  2. I figure I will continue the series because you are correct, the world Donaldson created is fantastic, but this first book was a tough read. I need a little filler before continuing.
