Tuesday, June 1, 2010

5-26-10 Firestarter by Stephen King - Fiction

5 - I double checked and I haven't read this since I started my journal. So here it is, a classic of the horror genre. King's earlier books are truly his best. Those books also give great flashbacks to the 70's and 80's. Do you remember what a Fotomat was? Did you know HBO used to be referred to as Home Box Office and only played about 5 different movies per month? Anyway, the great thing about King's early stories is that so many were centered around children and he brings to the forefront the innocence of a child who is then thrust into an extraordinary childhood. Charlie is seven and she's a firestarter using pyrokinesis. Her potential is unmapped. That's why The Shop is after her and her psychically abled father. They see them as potential weapons and their ticket to restart the research on Lot 6, the experimental chemical injected into Charlie's mother and father when they were in college. A good cat and mouse with very memorable characters.


  1. its also interesting to note that King used "Lot 6" as possibly a nod to "'Salem's Lot", one of his greatest works. The best thing about King that most casual readers do not notice is that all of his fiction is interconnected, mostly by the "Dark Tower" series. Fire Starter isn't explicitly implied, but "Salem's Lot", "IT", "Hearts in Atlantis", "Insomnia", "Eyes of the Dragon", and Delores Claiborne" are, among others.

  2. I do like that about King. There will be just one line in a given book referencing one of his other books. Ususally pretty subtle.
