Thursday, February 16, 2012

2-12-12 Wilderness Run by Maria Hummel - Fiction

3 - This was an interesting story about the Civil War from the perspective of Vermonters who saw things a little differently. I learned quite a few things from this book. The underground railroad traveled through Vermont up into Canada and that a lot of people in Vermont were against slavery for themselves but also felt apart from the immediate issues of the country for a while. This story focuses on two cousins, Bel and Lawrence, who are growing up during the start of the abolitionist movement. Lawrence enlists into the army to fight for the Union and Bel convinces her Canadian French tutor to enlist for the Union as well. The story is told with alternating chapters between Lawrence in the army and the hardships endured and Bel, still in Vermont, worrying about both her cousin and her tutor. It's actually pretty well written and a different look at the Civil War from a new perspective for me.

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